Do you grapple with your thoughts about money and saving? The ability to save seems like it just comes naturally to some people. But I believe it comes from your mindset. A positive mindset towards money can be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals. But how do you get there? It’s all […]
SAVE MONEY: Saving money doesn’t have to be a daily battle. I’ll give you tips on managing your money well to make saving achievable in different areas of life. Learn to set savings goals and save money easily while still loving life.
Start Saving Money with this 52 Week Savings Challenge [with free printables]
Is saving a regular part of your life? Even with the best intentions, creating a savings plan and sticking to it is difficult! This 52 Week Save Money Challenge lets you choose the amount you want to save, and create new habits to reach your goal. No matter what your income is, everyone can and […]
7 Essential Tips to Save Money on Food While Still Loving Life!
Learn the most essential tips to save money on food without life becoming boring. When you want to get serious about saving, food is one of the most crucial areas to look at. Although it’s one of my biggest expenses, for a long time it was an area that I was reluctant to cut back […]
11 Smart Ways to Save Money Fast While Still Having Fun [+ printable]
While saving money over a longer time period is obviously much easier and less stressful, the reality is that there are times when you need to save money fast! Whether it’s for a holiday, an important purchase, or even an emergency, a focused time of saving doesn’t have to be miserable. In fact, saving money […]