How to Deal With Stress So You Can Enjoy Life to the Max

how to deal with stress

There is no blanket rule for how to deal with stress. It comes in so many forms, and can be a result of so many factors. In fact, stress is as individual as the people it effects.

Stress affects both your mind through constant worrying and anxiety, and your physical state, so you need to look at both when learning how to deal with stress.

I’ll show you to handle stress by:

  • Taking control of your mindset
  • Learning what physical things you can do to reduce stress


People, Woman, Travel, Adventure, Trek, Mountain, Rock

Knowing how to deal with stress is so much about tackling your mindset. We have more power over our thoughts than we might realize, but it isn’t easy to take control of them.

Here are three ways your mindset can help you to deal with stress:

  • CHANGE FROM A NEGATIVE TO POSITIVE MINDSET– Learning how to stop being negative is one of the best thing you can do to tackle your stress. We have a tendency as humans to have a negative mindset- it protects us as it helps us to stay alert to threats. It’s not the best route for a stress-free life, though! Learning to identify negative thoughts and stop them in their tracks will help you to see life more accurately, not as a series of potential threats. A lot of stressful thoughts are us catastrophizing (thinking the worst outcome will happen) or assuming we know what other people think. When you are able to control negative thoughts, you are well on the way to learning how to deal with stress.
  • PRACTICE GRATITUDE– Practicing gratitude is about actively noticing the things you are grateful for everyday. You could pick 3 things day that you are grateful for. This will help you to see the things in life that are positive, that are going well, and that you’re grateful for. Focusing on the positives helps you to deal with stress by reminding yourself that there are positive things going on in your life too, and that your situation could be worse. Even if you feel stressed, there are still things to be grateful for.
  • PRACTICE MINDFULNESS- Mindfulness has grown in popularity. It’s a technique that helps you to be more aware of the present moment without reacting to all your thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness has been shown to improve depression, anxiety and stress, so it could be worthwhile to look at how you can bring mindfulness techniques into your everyday life.


how to deal with stress

You might have daily goals, short-term goals and even life goals. It can stress you out not to get done what you need to do. But how realistic are the goals you are setting?

It can be stressful to finish the day with things you haven’t dealt with yet, but you can avoid stress by chunking what you have to get done, and creating a plan for when and how you’ll do it. It has be manageable and measurable.

Setting these good achievable goals for yourself will massively reduce stress. To do this you will need to to plan for what is achievable, and know exactly how you will get there.

Check out: 7 Surefire Tips for Setting Goals You Will Actually Achieve.



how to deal with stress

Sleep problems can become an unhealthy pattern that will only add to your stress levels. Medical News Today shares how stress and sleep are closely linked. Stress can have a huge impact on your sleep, stopping you from drifting off. However, not enough sleep can then in turn increase your levels of stress.

According to most medical advice, we need between 7-9 hours of sleep each night.

When you do get enough sleep, you’ll notice an improvement in your mood, energy and concentration levels- all things that will have a knock-on effect on your levels of stress.

Some key things that will help you to sleep include:

  • Spending time outside (especially in the morning)
  • Getting enough exercise during the day
  • Eating right
  • Having a bedtime routine
  • Turning off technology an hour before bed


how to deal with stress

Amazingly, research shows that physical activity can actually reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress. It even reduces the need to treat stress or anxiety through other ways.

30 mins of intense workout a day will massively help you to sleep at night and reduce your overall stress. If that isn’t possible, do what you can. Why not push yourself to feel out of breath while exercising at least once a day?Also aim to get outside at least once a day.


how to deal with stress

A support circle is absolutely crucial in figuring out how to deal with stress. It doesn’t have to be many people, but you need a small group of friends or family that you can talk to about stuff and, even more importantly, to de-stress with! To do fun things that will help you to take your mind off the things that are stressing you.

Take a moment and think about who is in your support circle. If nobody springs to mind, then ask yourself if there are steps you can take to foster a support circle?

Sometimes when we’re stressed. the instinct is to stay in and not see others, but this is counter-intuitive. Remind yourself of this when you don’t feel like seeing people- social contact is a proven way to deal with stress- it’s worth a chance.


Plan the LIFE YOU LOVE Motivational Planner and Reflection: image 0

One of the best ways to be positive is to journal. Even a few minutes of writing in a journal each day can have amazing benefits. Research suggests that journaling can boost happiness in five minutes or less!

It can reduce anxietydepression and stress, and can help you to develop insight and cope with emotions. It can help you to see things in a new way, and to reflect on what you’ve learned from experiences. These can help you to grow and get the most from life.

The Plan the Life You Love Motivational Planner and Reflection from Etsy will inspire you and help you to plan a life you love. The reflective pages help you to capture key moments in your life– what you’re proud of, grateful for, what made you laugh, a person that helped you, something to work on, as well as words to remember. It lets you create a beautiful memory to look back on.

It’s just a few dollars so why not grab a copy and try it out?

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Comment and let me what you are learning in how to stop being negative and what helps you to stay positive. Please also share this post if you enjoyed it- every share helps!

Thanks for reading!

Freya x

How to Deal With Stress So You Can Enjoy Life to the Max

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